Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Stay Yourself

Always be a first-rate person of yourself instead of a second-rate person of someone else.” - Judy Garland. This quote describes one thing that I used to fear the most, being myself. Before I used to feel very shy and nervous to talk against someone or even acting like myself, fearing that if I act as myself or act as someone which my friends don't like they would hate me. Though after some time I realized that it's really tiring to stand in the shadows and keep up an image of the "fake" you. As well as, if your image is a fake image then your friends don't know who you really are. If they don't like the real you then they arn't your true friends. I learnt that you and others have to accept yourself for who you really are, your life is much easier that way. As the quote says to be yourself i choose a picture that shows someone standing out. I thought my icon picture represented the quote really well. If you want to be yourself instead of like the people surrounding you, you would have to stand out. Happy of who you are and staying unique.

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